“They plan to solve the problem with more neoliberalism”

Honduras is a nationwide living experiment for testing out political, social, and economic trends that are later transplanted to other latitudes. The 2009 coup d’état heralded similar situations that would soon spread across Latin America. Labor reform, the invasion of paid-by-the-hour and intermittent work, political assassinations disguised as crimes of passion, criminalization and judicialization of popular struggles, a new penal code, the application of novel union-busting tactics, and institutionalized and unpunished corruption. Of that pandemic, Honduras is the hotspot.

Pandemic fodder

The health situation in Brazil under the COVID-19 pandemic is a faithful reflection of the institutional mess and the irresponsibility of a government that mocks its people on a daily basis.

White flags signaling hunger

Thousands of Guatemalans, poverty-stricken men and women, are suffering the most brutal effect of the coronavirus pandemic: hunger. And they are flying a white flag in their homes calling out for help, Carlos Luch, general secretary of the Union of Workers of Embotelladora Central SA (Stecsa), told La Rel.

“Spain’s tourism industry has disappeared”

The officer in charge of institutional matters at the International Union Action Secretariat of the Services Federation of Spain’s labor confederation Comisiones Obreras (CCOO) spoke with La Rel about how the pandemic is impacting the country’s tourism industry, one of the worst hit by the current health crisis.

JBS, arrogance and greed

April 8 marked another anniversary of the death of Margaret Thatcher, the “Iron Lady,” whose steely eyes looked unmoved upon the suffering masses as they fell by the millions into the abyss of social dispossession.


The Labor Prosecutor’s Office (MPT) filed a court action against the JBS meatpacking plant in Passo Fundo, Rio Grande do Sul, following complaints by workers over the lack of health control and prevention measures in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. We spoke about this action with Priscila Schvarcz, the acting prosecutor on the case.