América Latina DIRITTI UMANI NEOFASCISMORel UITA abbandona il social network X
Persone con persone, magnati con magnati

Latin America HR NEOFASCISMRel UITA pulls out of social media platform X
The people with the people oligarchs with oligarchs

Latin America CLAMU WOMENThe other perspective
All that is good, like water, springs forth from below

France TOXIC AGROCHEMICALS CHILDHOOD CANCERTests detect toxic agrochemical molecules in 70 children
When the state chooses to look the other way

Myanmar-Argentina JUSTICE HRUniversal justice against Burmese dictators
Argentine prosecutor seeks arrest warrants for 25 genocide perpetrators

Brazil HR SLAVE LABORInterview with labor inspector Luciana de Carvalho
#SoniaLivre – International Free Sônia Campaign
#SoniaLivre – International Free Sônia Campaign
“Sônia is the face of Brazil”

World TRADE UNIONS SOLIDARITYMessage of solidarity from the International Executive Committee of the IUF
The country is not for sale!

Europe TRADE UNIONS MEATSuccessful #MeatTheStandards campaign comes to an end.
The meat sector: exploitation and massacre

Myanmar ANNIVERSARY HROn the third anniversary of the coup
Today, more than ever, solidarity and struggle

Argentina TRADE UNIONS GENERAL STRIKE“The Nation Is Not for Sale”
The Meat Federation at full throttle

Europe HEALTH ENVIRONMENTA new lease on life for glyphosate in Europe
The long arm of multinational corporations

Europe HEALTH TOXIC AGROCHEMICALSGlyphosate about to get a new lease on life in the European Union
And so it goes

Costa Rica UNIONS BANANAChiquita Brands and its peculiar take on respecting rights
Fruits before people

Switzerland UNIONS LGBTISuccessful Conference of the IUF LGBTI Committee
Much to do, defend, and stand up against

Honduras TRADE UNIONS BEVERAGE INDUSTRYStibys calls for solidarity
Standing up against the abuses of multinational corporations

Latin America HEALTH ENVIRONMENTA study exposes the multinational corporation inside and out
Syngenta laid bare

Latin America Myanmar HR REPRESSIONIUF campaign in support of the people of Myanmar
The military junta will fall!

Europe TRADE UNIONS MCDONAD'SMcDonald’s under scrutiny from the European Parliament
The IUF raises the stakes for decent and harassment-free work

Costa Rica HEALTH ENVIRONMENTToxic pineapples, precarious work, and abused communities
A silent genocide

Uruguay TRADE UNIONS MEATPACKINGNo agreement reached with Frigocerro
FOICA calls a general work stoppage for August 4

Brazil HEALTH MEATPACKING PLANTSWith Doctor Roberto Ruiz
COVID-19 and the other pandemics
COVID-19 and the other pandemics
A guidebook

Brazil Uruguay TOXIC AGROCHEMICALS ENVIRONMENTHundreds of kilograms of illegal pesticides and herbicidesseized
in Livramento and Candiota
in Livramento and Candiota
Brazil, a toxic agrochemical paradise

Latin America UNIONS LGBTIFist meeting of the IUF’s Latin American LGBTI Committee
In Gisele Adão’s words
Pieced together little by little

Brésil LACTALISAvec Artur Bueno de Camargo
Pas de progrès dans la négociation collective avec Lactalis
Pas de progrès dans la négociation collective avec Lactalis
Syndicats élaborent un nouveau plan de lutte

Brazil CARGILL HRIn Pará, Cargill violates every regulation and its contracts are still renewed
A paradise for the soybean multinational corporation

Germany TRADE UNIONS MEATPACKINGWith Johannes Specht
On the scope of the collective bargaining agreement reached in the meat sector
On the scope of the collective bargaining agreement reached in the meat sector
“A huge success”

United States TRADE UNIONS MULTINATIONAL CORPORATIONSA well-oiled model of workforce casualization
The Amazon effect

Honduras SOCIETY HRWith Mari Cruz Portillo and Juan Carlos Herrera
“We are going to help Rommel get his life back”

Brazil HR SLAVE LABORWorking conditions of migrants hired by subcontracted companies
Ambev and Heineken accused of imposing slave-like working conditions

Colombia SOCIETY HRMassive and peaceful demonstrations in yet another day of striking
The Colombian people are not backing down

Brasilien UNTERNEHMEN LEBENSMITTELJBS kauft niederländische Unternehmen Vivera
Wetten auf Fleischalternativen

Brazil Germany HEALTH MEATPACKINGGlobal struggle to dignify work in meatpacking plants
National strike in German meatpacking plants

Latin America BANANO EDITORIALAldi supermarket chain lowers banana prices paid to producers
A decision that ruins thousands of workers

Chile TRADE UNIONS NESTLÉNestlé Chile workers go on strike
With Blas de Mir Pidal
With Blas de Mir Pidal
“United we triumph”

World TRADE UNIONS MEATPACKINGAlberto “Beto” Fantini
Daily controls by the Federation to verify protocol compliance

Brazil HR MEATPACKINGProposed amendment to Provisional Measure 927 withdrawn
A battle has been won, but the struggle continues

Brazil TRADE UNIONS MEATPACKINGCampaign to maintain thermal breaks in the meatpacking industry
Corporate health above public health

Latin America PANDEMIC WOMENCOVID-19 and the HRCT industry in Argentina
“We have to plan for the day after”

World SOCIETY PANDEMICRethinking ourselves in order to rethink the world
The door is open, we just need to step through and walk

Brazil JBS PANDEMICWith prosecutor Priscila Schvarcz
JBS is slapped with legal action from the Labor Prosecutor’s Office
JBS is slapped with legal action from the Labor Prosecutor’s Office